Are Legos STEM Toys?

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Many fancy toys on the market awaken the child in the best of us. But what your kid plays with can influence their development, so choosing suitable toys is paramount.

Toys that focus on building skills related to science, technology, engineering, and math (collectively referred to as STEM) have gained a lot of popularity. They nurture a healthy curiosity in children towards subjects the future is built on.

As STEM is often associated with high-tech and robotics, you may wonder whether simpler toys like LEGO blocks are a good choice for your child. So let’s see the answer to the question, “Are LEGOs STEM toys?”

The Importance of STEM Toys

Every parent wants to give their little ones everything they might need for healthy development during their formative years. Making sure they have access to stimulating toys can be decisive in how they experience challenges during their schooling later on.

STEM fields are incredibly sought after today, but their complexity can make them seem daunting. Children can be introduced to STEM concepts in a fun way through playing.

STEM toys allow children to develop a solid foundation for and interest in STEM without classroom settings that can make these subjects appear dry. Not only will they be able to grasp these concepts easier once they begin their schooling, but it’ll nurture a positive attitude towards entering such valuable and lucrative fields.

Are LEGOs STEM Toys?

There is currently no testing process for what qualifies as a STEM toy, so you may see countless play sets labeled with this acronym, promising to turn your child into a little genius. But a toy doesn’t necessarily need an explicit label to provide your child with fantastic learning opportunities. LEGOs are a great example of this.

Even the simplest LEGO set is technically a STEM toy. This is because building blocks are, by nature, creative toys that give kids the opportunity to manipulate objects in countless ways.

LEGOS and similar toys help children build their spatial skills. These skills refer to their ability to visualize and manipulate images in their mind. Advancing one’s spatial skills is crucial for success in STEM fields. In addition, spatial intelligence is linked with mathematical skills.

So, the answer to “Are LEGOs STEM toys?” is clear. However, that’s not the end of the story. LEGOs are not just a STEM toy – they are actually one of the most iconic STEM toys around.

Besides simple sets that allow for creative freedom, this leading building block manufacturer has also developed many exciting kits explicitly oriented towards specific STEM skills. They are a fantastic way to get any child enthusiastic about complex fields like robotics and similar.

Are Legos STEM Toys

How Children Learn Using LEGOs

Pedagogists have long emphasized the importance of play for children’s development. According to the LEGO Foundation, little ones learn most effectively through play, so it is vital to ensure they can build a solid foundation with the appropriate toys.

STEM toys like LEGOs allow kids to explore mechanisms from the simplest to more complex ones. For example, a toddler building a tower from LEGO DUPLO blocks is learning basic math and experiencing their first lesson in gravity once the tower falls.

On the other hand, a LEGO BOOST kit can make the first coding lesson of a primary schooler extremely fun.

In either case, as children explore the opportunities a LEGO set offers, they inadvertently develop many essential skills. Here are some of the most significant areas playing with LEGO blocks enhances.

  • Fine motor skills and coordination by handling small elements
  • Creativity by coming up with unique constructions
  • Planning and problem-solving skills when tackling complex projects
  • Attention span, patience, and perseverance when following complex instructions
  • Basic knowledge of colors, shapes, and numbers by manipulating blocks
  • Social skills when playing together with others

These skills will be extremely valuable for any child entering school and potentially a STEM field later.

Kits vs. Free Play

We’ve mentioned that playing with LEGOs is beneficial regardless of whether you purchase a bucket of random blocks or invest in an advanced kit. However, the two options offer a different experience and slightly different benefits.

On the one hand, free play is a fundamental activity for any child. LEGO blocks that didn’t come with any instructions allow your child to experiment on their own terms without any restrictions. The versatility of these blocks gives way to countless different activities, so this type of play is a great way to develop creative thinking.

On the other hand, structured play, such as that offered by LEGO kits, introduces rules to the equation. However, this might not be such a bad thing as it sounds.

A kit that comes with instructions allows children to copy constructions. As a result, their ability to focus on the details improves as they try to decipher the instructions. They also learn to become more patient and control their impulses as they tackle complex tasks with set rules.

In addition, LEGO’s STEM kits are in no way restricting. Many can be put together in various ways, leaving room for creativity. Completing a LEGO kit naturally comes with a sense of accomplishment. Once the child finishes their project, they will be empowered to put their own twist on the construction next time.

Free and structured play complement each other and yield the best results when used in combination. Therefore, there should be room for both activities in a child’s routine. Fortunately, LEGOs allow for both options.

Start Building

There are few STEM toys as versatile as LEGO blocks. The simple elements of a LEGO set offer countless possibilities, with your child’s creativity as the only limit. LEGO blocks also help develop children’s attention span, motor, and problem-solving skills.

In addition, they give them hands-on experience with fundamental math and mechanical concepts in a fun way. Finally, some kits target specific skills and interests, which can seriously speed up the progress of a child who has already shown interest in STEM topics.

The question thus isn’t “Are LEGOs STEM toys?” but rather, “Which LEGO set should I get?”

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